Saturday, December 27, 2008

New Training Log

A few of the runners I coach are using the AttackPoint online training log system. Though it appears to be targeted at Orienteering, it works fine for running too and I decided to switch over to it this week rather than continue to post it here. I'll still post info on my races and any specific training sessions of interest here, but in general just use the link on the right to view my log at any time; I'll do my best to keep it up to date.


Derek Griffiths said...

You should check out

Paul DeWitt said...

Yeah I'm sure there are a lot of online logs that would work out there, but it just makes sense to use the same ones as the majority for me. Also, I like the way Attackpoint keeps a rolling 7 day total of everything, and automatically calculates pace or distance based on what you enter. I then get notified when one of my runners updates their log which is good too.

Happy New Year Derek,